The most wonderful time of the year

Friday, 21 December 2012

I bloody love Christmas. I'm off back home tonight and cannot wait to spend two weeks with my beloved family and friends. I'm slightly like a giddy child when it comes to this time of year. As we were away in Vancouver for Christmas last year, this Christmas seems a little more special.

London looks so festive at the moment and sadly I have only taken my camera out a handful of times. Nevertheless here a few festive photos from the past month or so.

 I'm looking forward to my Dad's roast dinner and seeing people open the presents I have got for them. I was actually quite organised this year and finished most of my Christmas shopping in the first few weeks of December. I'm definitely not a last minute sort of person!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

iphoneography #4

Friday, 30 November 2012

Life lately through the (filtered) phone lens....

Baby Noah / Salisbury town / First red cup of the year / Winter train journeys
Sunday fry-up / The only game to play when in Essex / Oxford St lights / Mediocre sushi (I miss Canada)
Aled & tea / First visit to Meat Liquor /  Happy Mother / National History Museum ice rink!
Masters of the ice / Soho pub times / Flowers on the mantlepiece / Exciting Christmas Koppaberg flavour
Vandalised our lamp / John Lewis snowman / Mulled wine / Sunny view from our flat

Instagram - @beznee 

Autumn gatherings

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The past few weeks have been filled with family gatherings, nights out with friends, days out in London and back in the country. As you can imagine, I took a lot of photos and thought i'd quickly put together a post with just a few of my favourites....


Monday, 19 November 2012

Homeland. Finally caught up with this series and so glad I did. Such a great drama. Claire Danes is a favourite actress of mine so naturally I love her in this (even if she gives Kim Kardashian a run for best ugly crier). I love Brody and his posh real life English accent. So good. I keep hearing good things about Nashville so definitely need to start watching that soon, it's American (obviously) and seems very musical so I am sure I will love it. I am also trying to keep up with my regular (slightly trashy) programmes including Gossip Girl, Glee and Revenge.

Looking forward to: 
Next weekend. The BFF is coming to stay for the weekend and I haven't seen her properly in ages. We are going to partake in a bit of christmas shopping, eat some delicious food and watch a certain well-loved Christmas Richard Curtis film and most likely quoting it at high speed throughout. SO excited.

Listening to:  
First Aid Kit. I love this band and we are seeing them tomorrow (can't wait!) so they have been on repeat for the past few days. Other gigs on the horizon include Ben Howard and Admiral Fallow, yay! Also - I still have Taylor Swift's new album on repeat. I have to admit I am a bit of a shameless fan girl.

Thinking about:
Where we were last year. It's odd to think that this time last year, an amazing five months of backpacking around Eastern Canada & the USA were coming to an end and we were about to begin our five month adventure in Vancouver. Take me back!

Beautiful Vancouver - Downtown & Stanley Park - November 2011

1984. I have been meaning to read this for ages (plus additional nagging from the boyfriend). I am really enjoying it but definitely need to make time for it. I love reading but recently have found myself pushing it to the wayside in favour on the internet and TV and I feel really bad about it. I keep discovering new blogs that I love every day. Two of my current favourites are Betsy Transatlantically and A Little Bird Told Me.

What are your current favourite thoughts & things?

[ This post was inspired by the "Currently" posts over on one of my favourite blogs Sometimes Sweet by Danielle. ]

Belle Bretagne

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

I had such a lovely, relaxing time in France visiting my grandparents. The holiday consisted mostly of markets, walks in the countryside, home cooked food and not much else! It's a such a pretty quiet little part of Brittany and even though i've been many times, it never gets old! So many little quaint villages and authentic Breton touches. A definite contrast to London town.

iphoneography #3

Thursday, 25 October 2012

I've been so busy over the last few weeks with France, work, visiting family and other trips that I have slightly neglected my blog. I have lots of photos to post - it's just a matter of finding the time. I am back in the country again this weekend but am dedicating quite a few evenings next week to blogging. I want to get back in the swing of things.

I also realised today the last iphoneography post I did was back in September and as i'm constantly using my phone to take photos I realised this was long overdue!

So here is my life through the phone lens over the last month or so....

Instagram - @beznee