January details

Sunday, 3 February 2013

January has gone past so quickly and much to everyone's delight the evenings are getting slightly lighter and the weather slightly warmer. I definitely feel ready for spring and summer now. Feel like my skin has not felt the sun's warmth for years.

Just thought i'd share a few photos and instagram captures from the past month. The sketches below are by my very talented little sister. I cannot draw like this at all and am constantly in awe of her! She hasn't picked up her pencils and sketchbook for while and recently got inspired whilst watching Africa. I think you'll all agree she needs to keep at it!

Afternoon tea break in Dulwich Village - beautiful area of South London (feels like the countryside, not London!)
Aled & I have this exact photo (see below!) & it made me really miss Canada, travelling & exploring new places

Snowy view outside our flat window - I LOVE the snow and it was amazing to see central London so white
Loved this sign outside a pub in Shoreditch the other day
Had a pedicure & massage at Cowshed last week (Christmas present from Aled!) & it was pure bliss
Trafalgar Square yesterday - finally some sun! Albeit cloudy too.

Instagram  - beznee // Vine - beznee
I really love the new app Vine at the moment (basically like a moving Instagram!)
Anybody else on Vine?


  1. Those sketches are amazing! January seems to be the month for afternoon tea, I've been indulging in lots this month xx

    1. I know!! So good. I really want to have afternoon tea at Claridges! xx

  2. Oh my that cake looks delicious! Did you seriously draw those animal pictures....they are insane! x


    1. My sister drew them - I cannot draw at all! xx

  3. first of all: yum to the cake. secondly: those drawings are INSANELY GOOD. what talent you have!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc // youtube

    ps. enter my new giveaway to win the UD naked basics palette, real techniques brushes and essie polishes! click here.

  4. that cake is dribble worth x

    your sister is amazing
    cath kidston giveaway: 1stepclosereveryday.blogspot.co.uk


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