Post-holiday thoughts

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Aled & I in France
My holiday really was relaxing. It was a carefree, easy week of days out, home cooked meals and trips to the beach. I really do love that part of Brittany. Sadly it was slightly faltered near the beginning when we found out Aled's Grandma had died. It was partially expected, but of course, still very sad. It's odd to be removed from your normal environment when something like that happens, especially for Aled. Needless to say, we still had a great holiday were luckily able to go to the funeral as it had been planned for a few days after our return. We were both really glad about this fact, as we were in America when his Grandpa died and therefore unable to attend the funeral. I guess we should stop going abroad, even Aled's Aunt joked she was next in line next time. The weekend was sad and happy in nearly equal parts for me. There were the obvious really sad parts, but, and even though it feels weird to say this, I really enjoyed seeing everyone. We saw family that we wouldn't have seen for ages.

Pembrokeshire coastline
At the moment, I am looking forward to the weekend as we are off to a festival! Lounge on the Farm, to be exact. I love festivals and my summer isn't complete without one. Like last summer, I am photographing this one too - and am really excited to have this opportunity again.

A small part of me just wants a restful weekend at home, especially after the past weekend was mostly spent travelling; Aled's grandparents lived in Pembrokeshire - a short 8 1/2 hour trip from London! Also, I hope the sunshine continues into the weekend, obviously I love a festival without rain, but this is mostly because my wellies are back in Salisbury and really don't want to have to buy new ones.

English countryside - A perk of the multiple train journeys.


  1. I'm glad you guys were still able to have a nice time. I am sorry for your and Aled's lose.


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